Monday, September 26, 2011

The World is Evidently Not Enough

All 007 fans have favorite and sentimental favorite films in the series, and the difference is significant. At Code Redd Net, our sentimental favorite is certainly The World is Not Enough (1999). By no means a perfect film, TWINE is nevertheless one of the more underappreciated entries among both the popular press and Bond aficionados. Take a look at these "Best of Bond" countdowns from Entertainment Weekly and IGN. TWINE is, respectively, the worst and fifth worst Bond film to date, according to these websites. Why the hate? Perhaps we're prejudiced against Roger Moore and his sleezy take on the series, but we do have reasons for promoting this underdog. What might they be? Check out our Christmas Jones and Garbage-free list below:

  1. Extended and exciting pre-title sequence that is directly part of the main plot.

  2. The boat chase.

  3. The plot itself is interesting and surprisingly psychological for a Bond narrative.

  4. Strong villain in Electra King (Sophie Marceau) and her relationship with the terrorist Renard.

  5. Same goes for Renard (Robert Carlyle), and his relationship with Electra.

  6. Last film featuring Desmond Lewellyn as Q.

  7. Judi Dench as M in a role more important than simply delivering expository info.

  8. Bullion

1 comment:

  1. I find this a very convincing bullet-pointed narrative on the strengths of TWINE. Especially the first one. It seems that very few of the earlier movies had the opener relating to the overall plot. I can only imagine why, in Moonraker, Bond was in an airplane with a woman, a hostile pilot, and Jaws.


You're on the mike, what's your beef?